•To Evangelize children by helping church leaders with the ideas, promotional tools, and effective ways of reaching children with the gospel.
•To Disciple children includes teaching leaders what significant discipleship is, how to implement it in a practical way, and providing tools to get it done.
•To Teach children God's Holy Word, carefully, both in lesson, memory, and in life style. Projects will motivate children to "live out" the truth that is taught. Leaders must role model their teaching and preaching.
•To Train children how to serve the Lord, based upon their characteristics and their capabilities. The goal is to do now what the child is capable of doing, and to instill into them that the opportunities abound to serve the Lord in some ministry role as a lifetime pursuit.
•To Provide Opportunities in the church for children to serve the Lord in a very meaningful way. To teach and encourage local leaders to train their children to function in some ministry. To provide multiple opportunities for those who are willing to serve.
Here's what a typical Wednesday looks like:
7:00 PM - 7:30 PM
7:30 PM - 7:55 PM
with Singing and a Bible Lesson
8:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Age-Level Classes (Small Groups) where students work through a project workbook that reinforces the Bible Lesson, Scripture Memory, and gives them the opportunity to earn Badges and Awards for their hard work.
Every Sunday and Wednesday, Emmanuel Baptist Church runs bus routes throughout our community for children, parents/families, or adults that are in need of transportation to church, where it is our mission to help kids, parents, and others to know Jesus and learn more about Him. We are seeking to make an impact on our community through the gospel.
Our bus routes pick up your kids in front of your home. Once at the church, your kids will attend a children's Sunday school class or an age-level / grade-appropriate AWANA Class (Wednesdays) where they will be engaged with songs, games, and a Bible lesson. After the church service, the bus route will take your children home, wait until the reach the front door and we know that they are safely inside their own home. We prefer the kids to turn back and give us a "wave" in order to assure us that they are in the care of their parents.
Every bus volunteer - driver and attending supervisor on board - is a faithful, background checked member of Emmanuel Baptist Church with a heart for working with kids in our community.
It is our primary goal to keep all of our children safe while they are in our watch care. We take seriously the responsibility of this serious ministry work.
Here are a few other important factors about the Bus Ministry:
How old does my child have to be to ride on the church bus? Children must be at least 5 years old to ride on the bus unless accompanied by a parent.
How much does it cost? It doesn't cost you a thing. Emmanuel Baptist Church is happy to serve you and your family!